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Our Mission

To teach pre-teens and young adults the significance of being abstinent and living a life of integrity, by valuing God's intended purpose of sex within the confines of marriage.

Answering the Call....

In 2002 God began speaking to my heart about teaching young adolescents the value and importance of living a holy lifestyle. I began studying the word of God in depth and the Lord led me to create a syllabus, a lesson plan and other materials. I started teaching purity classes at several churches and my passion grew so much, that I started mentoring young teens every chance that I got.

Lady Terran Jordan's Bio

Born in a small town in eastern North Carolina, she was the first in her family to earn a Bachelors of Science in Business Management at Elizabeth City State University in 2003. At the age of 19 she began following in her mother's footsteps as an assistant Sunday School teacher and later began to serve in the capacity of being one of the main youth Sunday School teachers at the church she attended. With a culmination of over twelve years, Terran has extensive experience and knowledge in both the federal government, non-profit/religious and financial arenas. 

Captured and driven by the passion to help others, Terran actively seeks to break down barriers of social injustices, such as sexual abuse and human slave/sex trafficking. With her love for people, she has faithfully served and continues to serve as a volunteer teacher within the youth department at her church for over seven years, making her an invaluable asset as a leader and mentor. Partnering with faith-based organizations and using community resources, she builds and fosters relationships to improve an individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being.

She is currently collaborating with organizations within the DMV metropolitan area to keep youth within the surrounding communities informed about sexual abstinence and will soon launch a mentorship program that will help pre-teen girls with self-esteem and social etiquette.

16 Years Later.....

After years of preparation, mentoring young adults, and studying the word of God, Lady Terran is now launching into a community ministry within the Northern Virginia region to reach more youths about the importance of abstinence and self-worth.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.


Questions or Comments?

Please click on the Contact Us tab to contact Living Pure Ministries with any questions or comments regarding booking information or referrals to other organizations regarding abstinence programs.

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